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The Emotive and also Real Fight You can Win

"You know, she has been diagnosed with Cancer, and she was such a healthy person!" This is a statement we seem to be hearing too much nowadays. From knowing someone, who knew someone with Cancer, this disease has been spreading to such an extent that we all know someone in our immediate circle living with Cancer. In fact, Cancer is the second highest killer in India, just after heart attacks.

In India, Dr Arvind Kumar, head of Institute of Robotic Surgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi claims that Cancer is responsible for 700,000 deaths with 1.1 million new cases every year. Also, there are over 3 million patients suffering from Cancer at any given day. Further, the ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) has found that almost 1,300 Cancer patients die every day. The Research also showed that men are reporting higher cases of cancer in Lungs, Stomach, Oesophagus and Mouth, while women are affected largely by cancers in the Breast, Cervix, Mouth and Oesophagus.

What is Cancer?

Cancer in simple terms is the abnormal growth of cells in our body which attack healthy cells and can cause a harmful growth known as a tumor. When left untreated, these abnormal cells spread to the tissues and other parts of the body, increasing the area of the disease. There are over 100 types of Cancer which can affect the body in different ways.

Causes of Cancer

There is no basic cause of cancer, but there are certain conditions that elevate one's chances of getting this disease.

• Sedentary Lifestyle/ Obesity: People who do not exercise regularly are at a much higher risk for Cancer due to poor circulation in the body which negatively affects the cells.

• Tobacco: Tobacco is a huge cause for lung and mouth cancer and should be avoided at all costs, be it smoking or chewing tobacco leaves.

• Sugar: A lesser known killer, sugar is being held responsible for numerous diseases in the human body, largely Cancer. This sweet treat may taste good but has a negative impact on our cells, while also adding to weight gain and diabetes, both of which increase chances of Cancer.

• Junk food: A healthy diet is non-negotiable for a healthy body. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables for good nutrition and cut down on junk and fast food.

• Radiation exposure: Constant exposure to radiation impacts cells negatively and increase Cancer chances. Avoid prolonged exposure to smartphones and don't sleep with the phone on your bed.

• Family History: Genetics play an important part in Cancer, and someone with a family history of Cancer is more susceptible to this disease.

Signs and Symptoms of Cancer

Following are certain signs one should look out for.

• Recurring Fever

• Sudden weight loss

• Loss of appetite

• Blood in urine/ stool

• Lumps/ patches on skin

• Headaches, sometimes accompanied by dizziness and nausea

These symptoms can be due to several factors other than Cancer, which causes many people to ignore them. Other than these common signs; persistent coughing, sore throat, fatigue and body pain are also early symptoms of Cancer. However small a problem may seem, it is always advisable to get any persistent or sudden symptom checked out instantly by the Doctor. Late detection is a common cause of Cancer severity in India with over 80% of Cancer patients suffering at an advanced stage due to late detection.


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