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Rosie O'Donnell's missing teen daughter found safe

Rosie O Donnell‏
Rosie O Donnell

Comedienne Rosie O'Donnell's teenage daughter was found safe in a New Jersey home late Tuesday, hours after O'Donnell released a statement appealing for the public's help in locating her.
Barnegat Police Lt. Keith Germain that when officers went to the residence, the person answering the door initially did not want to Chelsea's presence. Police responded that they would not leave until she came out. Chelsea then appeared and left with police without incident, Germain said.
A spokesman for police in Barnegat, N.J. told the Associated Press that investigators in O'Donnell's hometown of South Nyack, N.Y. had informed them that they believed 17-year-old Chelsea O'Donnell was in the Jersey Shore community.
Rosie O'Donnell said in her statement that Chelsea had been seen since Aug. 11. She had left the family's home with a therapy dog, and her mother's concern was intensified because she had not been taking needed medication. Chelsea suffers from mental illness, according to O'Donnell spokeswoman Cindi Berger.
It was not immediately clear what relationship O'Donnell had with the people who lived in the house. Rosie O'Donnell has a vacation home on the Jersey Shore.


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