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Uses of lemon, brilliant ways to use and benefit from lime

There are many different ways to use the lemon is a fruit, very tasty. Besides, it is acidic in many recipes. You use lemon, brilliant.

Uses of lemon

The use of lime in different recipes.

To add to the salad, cabbage, coriander and lemon, it gives a different flavour and distinctive. "Added to the pie and corn flour, cocoa, and a few ginger;
- aqui added to its mojito., he is one of my favorite drinks.
You can also add the mint and basil leaves with lemon, mojito, Romans and mojito lime and cherry and lemon
skewers of chicken, honey, get up. After processing by adding lemon grilled kebabs.
Added to the sauce, vinegar, coriander, red onion, black bean and chili, lemon and Alafakadw
By the use of lime in meals, it is under the care of ", because the lemon contains important nutrients."

 Lemon, a facial massage.
 Research has shown that the lemon has antibacterial properties and this means it can be used in the treatment of acne.But there is much evidence to show that we can use it to massage the face, very suitable for oily skin because it does not contain harmful chemicals. Father

a massage: 
 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice.
1/2 cup of water.
1/2 cup of oats.
1/2 hanging honey to moisturize the skin.
Read holder lemon skin
 Mix all ingredients in a bowl and facial massage it for 30 seconds and then wash the face with warm water. Lemon and the option to soften the skin: There is another way to use lemon in the treatment of acne and get your skin soft, such as children. In a bowl Combine 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, and half a cup of cucumber slices 0.3 cups of cold water. You can also add some of the lemon slices if you like. You can apply the mixture with a piece of cotton and maintaining the mixture for a week - the benefits of warm water and lemon mixture peeled lemon good for the body: the side that is very good for the face, it is certainly suitable for all skin parts. Lemon enters from within the aromatic oils that Tskhaddm to fight depression, and a good addition to the body odor. It can be added to salt and use this recipe good for peeling for the body. components of the recipe:
 1 lemon.
1 cup of salt.
1/2 cup almond oil.
  Combine the ingredients together in a suitable container, cover and Roger mix well before use. And rub the mixture using a hanging over your body. And you can keep it for 6 months at room temperature.
, washing hair
Lemon can reduce the effects of soap and shampoo on the hair, leaving hair shiny and glossy. Combine 2 tablespoons large Syr lemon cup warm water.Casting slow on your hair and leave it for about a minute, at least till gives results and this method is suitable for all kinds of hair. "
 Lemon whitening yellow nails
help you get white nails healthy and more youthful. After removal of the nail polish, soak your hands in lemon juice for the prevention of drying the nails and hands.
, the skin whitening
Lemon serves to close the pores of the skin. Handy home and lemon juice can be used as a mask to. Where the huskers skin naturally and then a paste of lemon and sugar, lemon and salt.Body massage, which helps to stimulate blood circulation and cell renewal. Thus, we can use it to brighten the dark places. "


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