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Find out how to use healthy fats in the fight against acne

Remember the old wives' beliefs that oily foods cause pimples. To a certain extent this is true. Our diets these days are for most part, unhealthy. The use of hydrogenated oils, refined sugars, additives, etc. cause inflammation in the body.
This leads to the sebaceous glands working in overdrive and releasing too much sebum which in turn will end up clogging the follicles in the skin. Once that happens, the bacteria on the skin will infect the follicles and this will result in acne appearing on the skin.
The acne is just a symptom and is usually the final symptom in a long series of physiological processes. Therefore, since it is a symptom, we should address one of the root causes of it.
One of the best ways to do that will be to get sufficient essential fatty acids in your diet. These fatty acids will help to control the production of androgens which are the hormones that cause the sebaceous glands to secrete excess sebum.
The body requires 3 types of fatty acids. Omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. When you are deficient in these fatty acids, you will be susceptible to a host of health problems such as bad skin, weak immune system, inflammation, lesions that won't heal fast, excessive sebum production and larger sebaceous glands.
The best way to remedy this situation will be to consume the essential oils and fatty acids that the body needs. Our current diets are often too high in omega-6 and this throws off the balance of fatty acids in the body.

Just by consuming 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil with your salads or soups will do wonders for your skin. Use extra virgin olive oil in your cooking and you will get more beneficial fatty acids in your system
It may seem like ensuring you consume your daily requirement of fatty acids is just too much effort. It is much easier to just grab the acne cream and slather your skin in it. It's just as effective right?
It depends. Do you want to deal with acne your whole life? Or do you want to be done with the problem?
Using creams and medication only addresses the symptoms and not the root cause. It's true that creams and medication are highly effective but they are only good at treating the condition. You must strive to eliminate the problem.
You should consume foods such as nuts, seeds, oily fish (salmon, sardines, albacore tuna), flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, avocados, pumpkin seeds and walnuts. Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, mustard greens and kale are also fantastic sources of essential fatty acids. Popeye wasn't lying when he said spinach is good for you.

This is the best way to treat acne. Prevention is better than cure. A wholesome diet rich in fatty acids will be more beneficial than any acne cream in the long run.
Discover How to Cure Acne At Any Age, Even If You've Tried Everything And Nothing Has Ever Worked For You Before!
 The only way to do this will be to fix the underlying issues such as your diet. The consumption of fatty acids will mitigate any issues in your body that are aggravating it and causing the excess sebum. Since you are targeting the root cause, you will also reduce and eliminate the symptoms gradually.


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